...find important information to help clients successfully meet their automatic enrolment duties. Agents, accountants, bookkeepers and other advisers can also use the free online TPR guidance and resources to help...
The in-year fix to the 2016-17 calculator has been successfully implemented to correct Exclusions 48 to 56 and 58 to 59, which cover the majority of cases. We have notified...
...day using the onscreen text box. Talking Points are based on your suggestions and feedback, so drop us an email at team.agentengagement@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk. For help at a time that suits you,...
...aware than ever before, many must prepare. Cyber security starts with the basics; Software updates Install the latest software and app updates; they contain vital security updates, which help protect...
Welcome to this weeks Tax agent blog, As you may have read in Agent Update 61, our new digital service – ‘Apply to use the Venture Capital Schemes’ – is...
...not join us and give yourself time to adapt to the changes. Thursday 14 September - 1pm to 2pm Book now Thursday 14 September – 2:30pm to 3:30pm Book now...
...• reporting and how to correct errors on returns, and common errors to avoid. Thursday 24 August - midday to 1pm Book now Get involved As I said, you...
In July 2017, the Supreme Court released a unanimous verdict on the Rangers football case. The decision makes it clear where a sum is established as being your employment earnings; you cannot avoid tax by diverting or paying them to someone else.
Hello and welcome to my weekly Talking Points meeting blog. The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is this week’s topic. The CIS meeting will cover: how clients register for CIS how...
...for your feedback on toolkits to develop the service further. This is your opportunity to have your say. Join us to discover the tools you need to get things right...