Agent Update 82 has been published

Agent Update 82 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
Agent Update 82 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
Agent Update 69 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
Agent Update 68 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
I’m looking for your help in shaping the products and services we provide to you, the agent community. We are constantly looking to improve these services and your views are important to us as we look to make improvements in the products you want to see.
Agent Update 67 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
All agents, who are a member of a professional body, are invited to join HMRC’s Agent Forum.
This dedicated Agent Forum is hosted in a private area within the HMRC Online Customer Forum. You can interact with other agents and HMRC experts to discuss topical issues and processes.
Agent Update 65 is now available and contains a variety of articles and updates.
This week’s Talking Points will cover the operation of the online Agent Forum and the Issues Overview Group. The Agent Forum is open to agents who are members of a...