I wanted to let you know about some new podcasts that we’re trialling to help you and your clients with your tax obligations and financial affairs.
The podcasts will give you access to interviews and chats with key policy officials and teams offering you information, tips and support. An initial set of three podcasts have been produced covering the following topics:
Yesterday the Chancellor delivered his Autumn Budget to Parliament.
The Budget contained a number of measures that relate to the work of HMRC and the agent community.
Agent Update 68 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
Employee Bonus Schemes: Growth Securities Ownership Plan (GSOP) tax avoidance and similar schemes Spotlight 28 Tax Agents with clients who have used such schemes may be interested in a recent...
I’m looking for your help in shaping the products and services we provide to you, the agent community. We are constantly looking to improve these services and your views are important to us as we look to make improvements in the products you want to see.
As our summer (and yes, I think we can call it a summer this year!) draws to a close I thought you might like to take a look at a selection of our recently recorded Talking Points webinars – which you may have missed due to the holidays.
Cyber security threats are constantly evolving. As you already know, the security of HMRC’s systems and customer data is one of our top priorities.
Here’s a reminder of how you can play your part
Agent Update 67 is available now and contains the latest articles, updates, help and support for the entire agent community.
All agents, who are a member of a professional body, are invited to join HMRC’s Agent Forum.
This dedicated Agent Forum is hosted in a private area within the HMRC Online Customer Forum. You can interact with other agents and HMRC experts to discuss topical issues and processes.
Did you know that The Pensions Regulator has an industry liaison team?