Making Tax Digital and Class 1 NICs - Talking Points
...general update for agents preparing their clients: This webinar will include how to sign up for the Agent Services and Income Tax Pilot, getting ready for the VAT Pilot later...
...general update for agents preparing their clients: This webinar will include how to sign up for the Agent Services and Income Tax Pilot, getting ready for the VAT Pilot later...
Did you know from April 2019, businesses with taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold must keep digital records and submit VAT returns using Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software.
...and becoming used to new processes can increase the workload for both the agent and the business in the short term. However small business owners who have made the change...
...up for your Agent Services Account, sign up your client for the pilot and submit quarterly updates for income tax using MTD Software. Thursday 26 April - midday to 1pm... your help in getting the model right and although we don’t ask specific questions on penalty interest in this consultation, you are welcome to feed in any further views...
In August 2016, HMRC published six Making Tax Digital consultations. Each document focused on specific customer groups or specific elements of the Making Tax Digital reforms. Today, an overview of...
...Consultation Documents released on 15th August 2016. Register now for this session These interactive sessions are on the ‘CITRIX’ platform and the organiser will explain how to ask questions. If...
...simplifications, including extending the scope of cash basis accounting. Agents, individuals and business will be interested in the consultation on how HMRC will make better use of information from third...
Next week, on the 11 and 12 of May, HMRC will again be attending the Accountex Exhibition and Conference in London's ExCel Centre. Last year more than 700 agents stopped at our stand to speak to us, and with an …
...the different information individuals and businesses already provide to HMRC into a simple, streamlined system; and once a quarter businesses and agents can check and submit the information they have...