Responding to your comments on moving to GOV.UK
We received many comments about our recent blog ‘Still moving and improving- update on HMRC’s website transition to GOV.UK.’ Here’s a response from Till Wirth of the Government Digital Service:...
We received many comments about our recent blog ‘Still moving and improving- update on HMRC’s website transition to GOV.UK.’ Here’s a response from Till Wirth of the Government Digital Service:...
In March we blogged about HMRC’s web guidance and tools moving to the cross-Government GOV.UK website. Since then, Statutory Pay and High Income Child Benefit Charge content has moved, with...
As you may have heard, HMRC’s web guidance and tools are moving to the cross-Government GOV.UK website, where customers will be able to access all Government information and services in one place. GOV.UK provides a clearer, faster way for people …
...too. Agents will be involved in user-testing the new services and we’d like to thank everyone who has volunteered to help us with this. We’re aiming to release a limited...
It might be winter outside but there’s a spring in our step after a very productive period of work on the Agent Strategy. There’s still work to do but I wanted to give you a quick update on where we …
...our informal engagement with agents - if you want to make a formal response to the consultation, you’ll need to send it to the contact listed in the consultation document....