What can agents expect in the coming months? The Agent Online Self Serve (AOSS) project is pushing ahead with development of the new online service for tax agents. The AOSS team has visited a number of agents to understand how …
In 2012, HMRC gave a commitment to improve our service for bereaved customers. Since then, we have been listening to what customers told us was important to them at a...
...Leaflets and booklets Specialist publications Banking Code of Practice Tax treaties / co-operation agreements We’ll blog again in a few weeks to keep you up to date with progress. ...
...with you to assess your needs as digital users. An exit survey at the end of this first webinar has helped inform the development of our next product which we...
...parental payments to employees taking SPL. And to enable these payments to be paid discontinuously, if necessary. The current entitlement to statutory maternity/adoption leave is 52 weeks (39 paid) and...
...for authorisation to act on their behalf. The code will be sent to the employer to pass on to you. This can take up to another 10 days. More information...
Self Assessment guidance is moving to GOV.UK From 21 August 2014, all Self Assessment guidance will be accessed through the GOV.UK website. HMRC’s Self Assessment online service won’t change as a result of transition, but you and your clients will …
...all 20 toolkits (as PDFs) here. Whether you are a new or experienced toolkit user, we would like to know what you think of them. You can send your feedback...
We’re on track to introduce Agent Online Self Serve (AOSS), the new agents’ digital service, to a small number of agents for testing by the end of the year. This is known as a ‘private beta’ release and we’ll use …
We’ve blogged before about migrating HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) manuals to GOV.UK. The Employment Income Manual (EIM) has now been built in our new design and we have tested...