Don’t take the bait, be cyber aware not open attachments, they could contain a virus do not click on links; they could take you to a fake HMRC site do not disclose personal/confidential information do, forward... not open attachments, they could contain a virus do not click on links; they could take you to a fake HMRC site do not disclose personal/confidential information do, forward...
Earlier in March, I invited you to attend our interactive online sessions called ‘Talking Points’ providing agents with opportunities to hear from and ask questions of subject matter experts from...
...out how to deal with employee expenses from April 2016, and how to report benefits in 'Real Time'. Please click here to register for this meeting. Wednesday 30th March 2016:...
...webinars and promoting our YouTube videos to help and support small businesses with all things VAT. We have VAT guidance specifically for agents too. Our Agent Toolkits to help reduce...
Self Assessment guidance is moving to GOV.UK From 21 August 2014, all Self Assessment guidance will be accessed through the GOV.UK website. HMRC’s Self Assessment online service won’t change as a result of transition, but you and your clients will …
We’re on track to introduce Agent Online Self Serve (AOSS), the new agents’ digital service, to a small number of agents for testing by the end of the year. This is known as a ‘private beta’ release and we’ll use …
We’ve blogged before about migrating HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) manuals to GOV.UK. The Employment Income Manual (EIM) has now been built in our new design and we have tested...
What is the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)? The AIA was introduced in 2008. It is an allowance for tools and equipment meaning a business can write off 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (up to a set limit - currently £500,000) …
...the time of introduction to the pool • changes to Annual Investment Allowance during a chargeable period. The Business Profits Toolkit has a new risk that deals with expenditure on...
...give you the opportunity to ask HMRC questions as you go along. We hope to bring these to you over the summer – more information on dates and how to...