Where’s My Reply? for tax agents - Tax agent blog

...for tax agents. You can use this service to check how long it will take HMRC to: register you as an agent to use HMRC Online Services process an application...
...to midday Register now If you have any questions for our subject experts more than 24 hours prior to the webinar, please send them to team.agentengagement@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk, including the title of...
...appoint a reporting company and send in an interest restriction return (IRR). Once a group or HMRC has appointed a reporting company, it must submit IRRs for each group period...
...general update for agents preparing their clients: This webinar will include how to sign up for the Agent Services and Income Tax Pilot, getting ready for the VAT Pilot later...
...for the AAM service simply complete the online User Registration form. You will need to complete an online Issue Resolution form for each issue. For more information about the AAM...
...how HMRC carries out fraud investigations. We will inform you about what we expect from you and your client during investigations and look at how you can help your clients...
...the key elements on a small scale before opening the pilot up more widely. This is going well so far - we have already tested the sign-up process and we...
...can't do with carried-forward losses under the new rules, with some worked examples and a question and answer session at the end. Wednesday 9 May - 1.30pm to 2.30pm Register...
Did you know from April 2019, businesses with taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold must keep digital records and submit VAT returns using Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software.