Disguised Remuneration and how we tax waste is changing – Talking Points
You can sign up now for next week’s Disguised Remuneration and how we tax waste is changing, Talking Points.
You can sign up now for next week’s Disguised Remuneration and how we tax waste is changing, Talking Points.
...to midday Register now If you have any questions for our subject experts more than 24 hours prior to the webinar, please send them to team.agentengagement@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk, including the title of...
...general update for agents preparing their clients: This webinar will include how to sign up for the Agent Services and Income Tax Pilot, getting ready for the VAT Pilot later...
...how HMRC carries out fraud investigations. We will inform you about what we expect from you and your client during investigations and look at how you can help your clients...
...can't do with carried-forward losses under the new rules, with some worked examples and a question and answer session at the end. Wednesday 9 May - 1.30pm to 2.30pm Register...
...up for your Agent Services Account, sign up your client for the pilot and submit quarterly updates for income tax using MTD Software. Thursday 26 April - midday to 1pm...
...looking to improve and will ask for your feedback and suggestions on format, promotional material and topics. Wednesday 18 April - midday to 1pm Register now Capital allowances and vehicles:...
HMRC's regular Talking Points meetings provide ongoing information, guidance and tips to help you to understand tax issues. We have more Talking Points meetings coming up: Trade Losses: Looking at...
...for the new tax year, the thresholds for Class 1 National Insurance, expenses and benefits for employees, fuel benefit charge for company cars, van and fuel benefit the new rates...
...to 1pm Register now Non-domiciles, offshore trusts – the new regime: A high level look at the changes to the anti-avoidance provisions for non-resident trusts and the impact on non-domiciled...