Income from Property Talking Points

This week's Talking Points session concentrates on Income from Property, a topic I know is of particular interest to agents. Date Time Topic Thursday 1 September 12 midday - 1pm...
This week's Talking Points session concentrates on Income from Property, a topic I know is of particular interest to agents. Date Time Topic Thursday 1 September 12 midday - 1pm...
...find out more about the new rules, and what they could mean for your clients. The agreements between the UK and other countries to exchange financial accounts information form part...
...first 3 accounting periods without further enquiries. Want to know more? Then why not join our Talking Points session at midday 24 August and find out about how Advance Assurance...
...of the tax administration framework that need to change to support MTD. Agents are an essential part of our tax system, and we want to continue to work with you...
If you want to feed into the design of the new digital agent authorisation process or find out about the different ways we communicate with agents, then why not sign...
...If you're new to Talking Points have a look at recordings of previous sessions. Why not subscribe to Agent Update notifications and have future editions delivered straight to your...
...of the new digital agent authorisation process, then why not sign up for our next Talking Points sessions. Date Time Topic Wednesday 3 August 3:00pm – 3:45pm Employment Intermediaries: Penalties...